What’s your favorite dinner and dessert?
What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?
What’s your favorite kind of cake?
What was the transition like when you went from being someone else’s child to being someone’s parent? How long did it take you to get used to the idea?
In your years of marriage, what did you learn about your spouses that you didn’t know on your wedding day?
What one thing would you do differently if you could live your parenting years over?
What was the kindest thing you saw each of your spouses do?
What about each of your spouses are you most proud of?
What character trait do you think your spouses were best known for?
Looking back, did you get married too soon or at the right time?
Who was the most romantic couple you remember? Why do you think that?
What is your favorite picture of you and your husbands? A wedding or anniversary picture, or something else? What picture do you have that shows the true feelings between the two of you?